The UC San Diego Human Embryonic Stem Cell Core Facility (hESCCF) is an integral component of UC San Diego's commitment to Human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) research. Under the direction of Karl Willert, PhD, this lab is dedicated to providing laboratory space to conduct research with the cell lines and maintaining and characterizing established human embryonic to the pluripotent stem cell lines. HESCCF provides tissue culture space and access to high end cell characterization equipment including cell sorters, MEA, and microscopy.
Space is provided to researchers to conduct their own research, fostering collaborations and interactions between researchers and laboratories around UC San Diego. As the core facility is exclusively supported with non-federal funds, it serves as a "safe haven" in which researchers can work with cell lines which are not listed in the National Institutes of Health's hESC registry. For those investigators whose labs are partially supported with federal money, the Core Facility can help them avoid a conflict between their federally and non-federally funded research projects.