Human Embryonic Stem Cell Core
Our facility is dedicated to the characterization and maintenance of pluripotent and primary cells, derived from human and various other species. We provide laboratory space to conduct research and facilitate training in microscopy and flow cytometry. HESCCF provides tissue culture space and access to high end cell characterization equipment including cell sorters, MEA, and microscopy.
Stem Cell Genomics and Microscopy Core
The Stem Cell Genomics and Microscopy Core’s mission is to promote cutting-edge technologies and make them available to every scientist, as well as to provide advice and encourage collaborative efforts between labs and disciplines

Molecular Imaging Center at Sanford
The mission of the Molecular Imaging Center at Sanford (MICS) is to advance state-of-the-art in vivo preclinical imaging and spectroscopy techniques to better understand tissue and organ function, and to make these tools available to the greater biomedical research community.