Stem Cell Ethics: Human Brain Organoids
Alysson Muotri, Ph.D. , explores the ethical questions of growing stem-cell derived human brain cells and how we as humans define conscious. Dr. Muotri is a leader in the field of growing “brain organoids,” or “mini-brains" that scientists use to model brain function and disease. As the field advances, questions about what these tissues are capable of as they become more sophisticated are now being examined.
Presenting are some of the leading voices in philosophy and neuroscience who will cover topics concerning the different types of consciousness, what it means to be consciousness and when a brain organoid might be considered a sentient entity.
Keynote Speakers
Christof Koch, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and President of the Allen Institute for Brain Science
Patricia Churchland, Ph.D., Emerita Professor, UC San Diego
Evan Thompson, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
Q & A Panel moderated by Alysson Muotri